Friday, October 26, 2007

Where Is the Life That Late I Led?

Since I reached the charming age of puberty
And began to think of feminine curls
Like a show that's typically Shuberty
I have always had a multitude of girls

But now that a married man at last am I
How aware of my dear departed past am I

Where is the life that late I led?
Where is it now? Totally dead!
Where is the fun I used to find?
Where has it gone? Gone with the wind!
A married life may all be well
But raising an heir could never compare
With raising a bit of hell
Where is Rebecca? My Becky-wecky-oh
Could still she be cruising that amusing Pontevecchio?
Where is Fedora, the wild virago?
It's lucky I missed her gangster sister from Chicago
Where is Venetia, who loved to chat so?
Could still she be drinking in her stinking pink palazzo?
And lovely Lisa, where are you Lisa?
You gave a new meaning to the Leaning Tower of Piza

Where is the life that late I led?
Where is it now? Totally dead!
Where is the fun I used to find?
Where has it gone? Gone with the wind!
I've oft been told of nuptial bliss
But what do you do at quarter to two
With only a shrew to kiss?
So I repeat what first I said
Where is the life that late I led

So I repeat what first I said
Where is the life that late I...

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